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The contents of our website constantly change. In each case they have been created carefully. Nevertheless a completeness of contents and an accuracy of statement cannot be guaranteed. The Sälzer Electric GmbH is not liable for defects which arise out of the usage of information and data from these web pages, unless in the case of criminal intent or act of gross negligence of the Sälzer Electric GmbH. The Sälzer Electric GmbH assumes neither liability nor guaranty for the content of websites which we directly or indirectly refer to. The Sälzer Electric GmbH is not responsible for the expelled websites, but third parties. Therefore visitors follow connections to other Web- or homepages at their own risk. They use these websites according to the applicable terms of use.
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© Copyright 2025 Sälzer Electric GmbH. All rights reserved.
All images, graphics, texts and other published information on this site plus design are copyrighted. The Sälzer Electric GmbH is exclusively authorized to make use of these protected contents, unless otherwise specified. A rendition and/or a reproduction are only permissible by a written approval of the Sälzer Electric GmbH.
Above all else it is not acceptable to copy and to use images or layouts of this homepage for own purposes. The Sälzer logo and the word Sälzer are trademarked names and labels of the Sälzer Electric GmbH. Furthermore the Sälzer Electric GmbH owns a wide range of more protected labels. A usage of trademarks of the Sälzer Electric GmbH is only permissible by a former written agreement.
Sälzer Electric GmbH
Clemens-Pfau-Platz 27
D-09306 Rochlitz (Germany)
Phone +49 (0) 37 37 / 87 - 0
Personally responsible:
Sälzer Electric GmbH
Managing Directors:
Matthias Jacob
VAT Reg. No.: DE126178162
Registry court: Amtsgericht Chemnitz
Trade register: Chemnitz HRB 33650
Concept, design and programming
reaze GmbH, Siegen